Spam E-Mails


My spyware updates information every time

16. Mai. 2021 | SPAM

Eine weitere Variante des beliebten: Ich-habe-deine-Kamera-gehackt-und-weiss-was-du-letzten-Sommer-getan-hast.

Your account is now hacked! It will be good idea to change the password right this moment!
You may not know anything about me and you are certainly wondering for what reason you're receiving this letter, proper?
I am ahacker who exploitedyour email boxand OStwo months ago.
Don't attempt to get in touch with me or alternatively look for me, it is definitely not possible, considering that I sent you an email from YOUR own hacked account.
I've set up virus to the adult videos (porn) website and suppose you have watched this site to have fun (you realize what I really mean).
Whilst you have been paying attention to these "great" vids, your internet browser started out operating as a RDP (Remote Control) with a keylogger that gave me ability to access your screen and webcam.
Afterward, my applicationstoleall info.
You wrote passcodes on the web services you visited, and I sniffed them.
Of course, you'll be able to change each of them, or already modified them.
But it really does not matter, my spyware updates information every time.
And what I have done?
I compiled a reserve copy of every your system. Of all the files and personal contacts.
I got a dual-screen video. The first part demonstrates the video that you were watching (you have a good taste, ha-ha...), and the second part displays the movie from your webcam.
What should you do?
Clearly, I believe, 1000 USD is a good price for this little riddle. You'll make the payment by bitcoins (if you do not know this, search “how to purchase bitcoin” in Google).
My bitcoin wallet address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).
You have only 48 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel to this email, and at the moment I understand that you have read this email).
To monitorthe reading of a letterand the activityin it, I usea Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (The stuff thatcan be usedfor the authorities may also helpus.)

In the event I fail to get bitcoins, I shall certainly give your video to all your contacts, such as family members, colleagues, etc?

Wie immer: Alles völliger Blödsinn und nicht darauf antworten und schon gar nicht irgendwas bezahlen!